Flower Seeds by The Seeds Master
FL431 Ice Plant (100 Seed)
Planting: Year-round in tropical climate; Before planting, file the seeds long enough for the coat to break, and soak them for 24 hours. Sow the seeds early in the season when the ground is approximately 64°F (18°C). As these are annual climbers, they will become a beautiful carpet if there are no frames to cling onto.
Soil: Well-drained, moderately fertile.
Sowing Depth: 0.25 inches (0.6 cm) deep
Spacing: At least 6 inches (15 cm) apart.
Light: Full sun
Watering: Ensure that new seedlings are watered
thoroughly, after which water is only required when the
soil is dry.
Fertilizing: Apply a balanced fertilizer directly after planting, and every month following. Mulching is optional.